La Crema

Terms of Use

Effective date: 26th June 2024.

The use of this website, and services shall be governed by the terms and conditions as well as the UAE laws. Kindly, read the terms of use carefully before access to the website. Your website access is deemed an unconditioned agreement and binding you with compliance to the terms of use. Upon your refusal kindly do not access the website. If you have any questions you may contact us via the customer service information provided on the website.

The company has the right to amend the terms of use from time to time and shall publish any amendments, and it shall not notify the visitors or customers by email or other personal contact addresses. The user shall be liable for reading the terms of use from time to time. Amendments are effective as of the date of publication on the website.

The user shall agree to access the website and use it for trading purposes only. All pictures shown on the website are for illustration purposes only. The actual product may vary due to product enhancements. The user will be responsible for knowledge and compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations related to the use of the website. Access to the website means that you accept avoiding the following:

  • Abuse the website. 
  • Represent the third party during using of the website.
  • Use the website for uploading any content that may contain any virus or tools that may amend or damage the website.
  • Amend or cause damage of any content published on the website.
  • Publication or transfer of any spam or promotional materials or any other form of attraction.
  • Publication of any material violates the intellectual property or other rights, or maintenance the personal information for others.

All information included on the website including all texts, images, and other information is preserved under UAE laws and other copyright laws and will be deemed in possession of the company and/ or used under license by the copyright holder. The company trademarks, logos, images, and marks of the services used on the website are all owned by the company and shall not be used without prior written consent by the company or appreciative acknowledgment.

Copyright of the materials and the information contained on this website belong to the Company. The user may be subjected to legal liability by the laws in force if it violates any of the conditions. It is not permissible to copy, extract, publish, download, or distribute in any way whatsoever except the allowed by the user to display and along with adhering to the restrictions or limits expressly authorized that relate to a specified content, download, or to print parts of the content from several pages of the website only for non-commercial use by the user.

Once the order has been placed, La Crema General Trading L.L.C will provide you with a delivery time frame. We will strive to deliver your order within the window provided. Please note that this is subject to change and is for guidance only.

Need Help?

For any further clarifications, please contact us at +971 4 266 3355 or send an email to

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